Quantum Brain Wave Analyser Quantum brain wave analyser is a powerful software tool to analyse brain waves, with a depth and clarity not possible with conventional EEG. It amplifies the wave data by several orders and transforms it into patterns that makes evaluation of cognitive and neurological disorders far easier ! QBWA is able identify and quantify disorders such as ADHD, Autism, OCD, MDD with greater accuracy compared to conventional to conventional EEG. PAVAN Aero is an innovative air purifier designed and developed by Quantum Zen. It can eliminate a wide spectrum of air contaminants which include pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi etc…,  particluate matter and gaseous pollutants. PAVAN Aero is built using advanced Nano technology, making it superior to many conventional air purifiers.  PAVAN Aero - Nano Airpurifier MBOX FC is an advanced raw food cleansing device that eliminates pesticides, pathogens and other chemicals from raw food, making it safe for human consmption. It is superior to conventional decontamination methods which involve use of detergents and acid solutions to clean raw food. MBOX only targets contaminants, keeping quality and nutritional content of food safe. It is a chemical free, unique and safe food detoxyfing technology specially designed and developed by Quantum Zen.  MBOX FC - Electronic raw food cleanser M-BOX is  an innovative box device aimed to completely eliminate any kind of viruses, bacteria and  degrades formation of fungus or molds etc. on the non-porous surfaces materials placed inside.   MBOX played a significant role during the recent COVID 19 pandemic crisis and will also continue to do the same in the future.      It can completely wipe out any type of viruses present on materials, without harming the material.   MBOX - Innovative sanitation box
(Integrated Mind-Body dynamics)
Quantum Zen
Research & Development
Quantum Brain Wave Analyser Quantum brain wave analyser is a powerful software tool to analyse brain waves, with a depth and clarity not possible with conventional EEG. It amplifies the wave data by several orders and transforms it into patterns that makes evaluation of cognitive and neurological disorders far easier ! QBWA is able identify and quantify disorders such as ADHD, Autism, OCD, MDD with greater accuracy compared to conventional to conventional EEG. PAVAN Aero is an innovative air purifier designed and developed by Quantum Zen. It can eliminate a wide spectrum of air contaminants which include pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi etc…,  particluate matter and gaseous pollutants. PAVAN Aero is built using advanced Nano technology, making it superior to many conventional air purifiers.  PAVAN Aero - Nano Airpurifier MBOX FC is an advanced raw food cleansing device that eliminates pesticides, pathogens and other chemicals from raw food, making it safe for human consmption. It is superior to conventional decontamination methods which involve use of detergents and acid solutions to clean raw food. MBOX only targets contaminants, keeping quality and nutritional content of food safe. It is a chemical free, unique and safe food detoxyfing technology specially designed and developed by Quantum Zen.  MBOX FC - Electronic raw food cleanser M-BOX is  an innovative box device aimed to completely eliminate any kind of viruses, bacteria and  degrades formation of fungus or molds etc. on the non-porous surfaces materials placed inside.   MBOX played a significant role during the recent COVID 19 pandemic crisis and will also continue to do the same in the future.      It can completely wipe out any type of viruses present on materials, without harming the material.   MBOX - Innovative sanitation box
Quantum Zen
(Integrated Mind-Body dynamics)
Research & Development
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